1. Make small changes. If you make a lot of changes at once it is more likely that you will find it hard and impossible to maintain. Small changes at a time will eventually become habits that will change your behaviour permanently. Once you get used to the change and becomes a habit, then move on to another change. Small changes are not difficult to do and eventually these will result in a big change overall.
  1. Take one day at a time. Don’t look at the ultimate weight you need to achieve. Just take it day by day, eventually you will get there. If you have a considerable amount of weight to lose one might feel overwhelmed. But if you look at the weight loss over a shorter period of time and set small changes to achieve it then it will feel quite easy. Don’t look at all the kilos you need to lose. Set small targets and you will feel less pressured. Once you achieve that weight loss target for more.
  2. Be realistic. Always set realistic goals. Always be happy with any result you achieve. Aim for 0.5 to 1 kilo weight loss per week and not more. This is what is recommended by health authorities. This not only helps you avoid unhealthy means of weight loss but is much more likely that you will manage to maintain this weight loss. Eating a healthy, natural food diet and combining it with regular exercise is the ideal way of losing the weight. If you lose weight fast you will be increasing your risk of muscle loss, slowing down the metabolic rate, consuming a lack of sufficient nutrients and increased risk of gallstones.
  1. Seek support. Support from family, friends and professionals is essential for your success. Staying on track is not always easy and support makes all the difference.
  2. Celebrate success. Set small and realistic goals and reward yourself when you reach your goals. Reward yourself as you have managed to improve your lifestyle. After all it is a lifestyle change that you are after. Whatever your result always be happy and positive. It is a step closer towards your target!

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